Q: Why learn emacs when I know a bit of Vim and heavily use VS Code already?
A: Here are a few reasons:
- To develop Range.
- A new technical challenge.
- To use as fully customizable PKM system (with org-roam) instead of Obsidian (which works great and allows customization through plugins, but is closed source and very difficult to get a license for at work).
The Plan
- Go through emacs tutorial
- Try out markdown mode
- https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode
- https://github.com/jrblevin/markdown-mode-guide
- Explore: making emacs org mode look nice (https://zzamboni.org/post/beautifying-org-mode-in-emacs/)
- Try different projects
- Movie recommender backend (Python)
- Movie recommender frontend (Angular)
- Meal planner backend/Things Web backend (Java)
- Learn a bit of Go (Go, obviously)
- Configure ESLint and Prettier for TS projects
- Try out org-mode
- Create PARA setup (Single file for all PARA? One file for each P, A, R and A? One file for each project/area/resource etc. and an index file merging all of them?)
- Read the org manual (https://orgmode.org/manual/Summary.html)
- Read org guide (https://orgmode.org/orgguide.pdf)
- Fill out org mode cheatsheet
- Pilot org-roam for work knowledge base
- Read through Org roam manual (https://www.orgroam.com/manual.html)
- Different slip boxes (main, reference, drafts)
- Spaced repetition for learning
- shortcut to reorder title (and everything below it)?
- Explore code: https://github.com/org-roam/org-roam
- Try key bindings that don't cause RSI (spacemacs, doom, evil mode etc.)
- Learn elisp and tinker with emacs and plugins/create plugins
- Tree-like file explorer
- dired-sidebar
- emacs-neotree
- Other file explorers
- ibuffer-sidebar
Things to try out
- Git client (magit), inline git changes like VS Code
- Linting and inline errors
- Autocomplete, LSP integration
- Org mode and org roam
- Move project list and project reference to org roam
- Keep next actions list in Google Tasks
- Accessible from phone
- Easy to convert email to task
Reading List
- How I Take Notes with Org-roam
- https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/eintr/On-Reading-this-Text.html
- https://ccrma.stanford.edu/guides/package/emacs/emacs.html
- https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/7i2alo/how_to_read_and_understand_gnu_emacs_source_code/
- An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp
- https://pragmaticemacs.wordpress.com/
Open tutorial - C-h t
Previous line, C-p
Backward, C-b .... Current cursor position .... Forward, C-f
Next line, C-n
Key | Description |
C-v | Move forward one screen |
M-v | Move backward one screen |
C-l | Move text at cursor in middle/top/bottom of screen |
M-f | Move one word forward |
M-b | Move one word backward |
C-a | Go to beginning of line |
C-e | Go to end of line |
M-a | Go to beginning of sentence |
M-e | Go to end of sentence |
M - < | Go to start of document |
M - > | Go to end of document |
C-u count command |
Repeat command count times |
Key | Description |
BACKSPACE | Delete character before cursor |
C-d | Delete character after cursor |
M - BACKSPACE | Kill word before cursor |
M-d | Kill word after cursor |
C-k | Kill from cursor to end of line |
M-k | Kill from cursor to end of sentence |
C-SPACE | Start highlighting |
C-w | Kill highlighted text |
C-y | Yank last killed text |
M-y | Cycle through killed text |
C-u count char |
Insert char count times |
Killing vs. Deleting
- Killed text can be reinserted (aka yanking)
- Deleted text cannot be reinserted, but you can undo a deletion
Undo - C-x, u OR C-/ OR C-_
Quit emacs - C-x, C-c
Abort command - C-g
Files and Buffers
Key | Description |
C-x C-f | Find a file |
C-x C-s | Save file |
C-x s | Interactively save all files |
C-x C-b | List buffers |
C-x b | Switch to buffer |
C-x -> | Next buffer |
C-x <- | Previous buffer |
C-x k | Kill buffer |
C-h m - view docs of current major mode
C-x f - set column width (to be used with auto-fill-mode minor mode) M-q - Re-fill paragraph
Key | Description |
C-s | Search in forward direction |
C-r | Search in reverse direction |
(i.e. splits)
Key | Description |
C-x 0 | Close current window |
C-x 1 | Close all other windows, keep window with cursor |
C-x 2 | Split screen horizontally into two windows |
C-x 3 | Split screen vertically into two windows |
C-x 4 C-f | Find file in new window below |
C-x 5 C-f | Find file in new frame |
C-M-v | Scroll bottom window |
C-x o | Move cursor to other window |
C-x ^ | Make window taller |
C-x } | Make window wider |
C-x { | Make window narrower |
(i.e. windows)
Key | Description |
C-x 5 2 | Create a new frame |
C-x 5 0 | Remove selected frame |
Getting help
- Getting help -
C-h ?
- Help for character sequence, e.g. C-p -
C-h c C-p
- More information about command -
C-h k C-p
- Describe a command -
C-h x
- Documentation of variables -
C-h v
- List all M-x commands with a given keyword -
C-h a
- Read included manual -
C-h i
- Open tutorial -
C-h t
Navigating info tree (e.g. in C-h i
- l - go to last node (go back after navigation)
- ^ - go one level up in info tree
- n - go to next node (next page in manual)
i - insert contents of subdirectory later in buffer C-u C-SPC - return to previous position in buffer ^ - return to parent directory in same buffer ( - hide details C-u k - on subdirectory header line to remove it C-M-n - next subdirectory listing C-M-p - previous subdirectory listing
Toggle subtrees
- M-x dired-subtree-insert
- M-x dired-subtree-remove
Writing code
- Insert comment at the end of current line -
- Comment out line -
C-x C-;
- Kill comment on current line -
C-u M-;